Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Social Network

Wow there is a lot on the interweb.

The film project can't really move forward with sponsors, ads, or merch until I get a following and a buzz and I tell you what - I'm doing my damndest! I think once I get some video footage up that will be super helpful, but in the meantime I would LOVE to figure out how to link my twitter, fb, blogspot, and YouTube pages to one another! Writing three blogs every other day I think will get tiresome.

If anyone has any tips (if anyone reads this... I know I certainly don't know how to find other bloggers!!!) please let me know!

In other news, I'm compiling footage from my team, Harrisburg Area Roller Derby, to be the first things I put on the YouTube page. I'm hoping to edit/upload this weekend in the middle of my brother's beer making adventure. Then, I hope to interview Hanover's Black Rose Rollers as my next undertaking to give me some practice in the interview, procedure, and editing.

HARD's Fallout Femmes are taking on the Rocktown Rollers this weekend. I'm hoping to get some decent footage from that game too.

Remember to find me on Facebook - search "Derby America" and on twitter i'm


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Blog One!

I'm sure no one will read this.

Here I am, Merry Khaos, finding another social networking outlet for my film project that I have a lot of hopes and dreams in. It could be a complete and utter failure, but I'm making a run at it.

I just have to figure out how to do it so that some people take me seriously enough to invest in me.


Step two! Get some video up on YouTube!
(I am hoping to get some footage of the Black Rose Rollers of Hanover, as well as my home team, Harrisburg Area Roller Derby; plus I'll be doing my own updates. I just need a computer that can load video)

Step three! Show businesses what I've done and that I am a compentent film maker!


If anyone does read this and has any further suggestions, I would love them.

Please, also go to my other sites:

Search for me on YouTube and Facebook also. <3 I want to create a snapshot of America's passion for Roller Derby and I can't do it without a lot of help.